Theoretical Frameworks: A walk through the forest with my friends

A few days ago, I posted the following to Facebook:

I feel like I’ve asked this before – but I dug around and couldn’t find anything – does anyone have a favorite reference/model/etc. for explaining the development of a theoretical framework?

The text we are using for class is making it feel very daunting and inaccessible for my students – would love to supplement with a “you can do this” pep talk!

First, my students are amazing – and to understand the challenge, you have to understand the iterative nature of the program. My colleague Dr. Ray Buss describes the dissertation writing process in great detail in the article Using Action Research as a Signature Pedagogy to Develop EdD Students’ Inquiry as Practice Abilities.

TEL 713 students are in their 5th term – a spot in the program where they are extending and reiterating upon the work they have done over the past year and 1/2 . We’re at a point where we are working on becoming better at crafting our theoretical frameworks – all the while (re)learning methods, methodology, theoretical perspectives, epistemologies and ontologies. We’re diving pretty deep into philosophical and theoretical concepts, which puts us in a place where we potentially can’t see the forest for the trees.

While they have already done work outlining some theoretical frameworks in prior cycles, adding new and deeper understandings is certainly one of those “transformational moments” (which can come with some frustrations as you’re learning ALL THE THINGS at once, while trying to maintain focus.)

SO – in order to help see the forest, I put the above plea out to my amazing network, and they did not disappoint.  What ensued was, as Joyce Seitzinger said, “one of the most useful FB threads ever…” One of my colleagues (Dr. Teresa Foulger) said “write it yourself!” So, this blog post is an attempt at that writing.

What you will see below is more of a curation of resources and transcription of the conversation, rather than my own take. By the sheer number of resources, you will see right away, that there is not one singular way to do this “right”. (Which sometimes is not what you want to hear.) I’m providing the wealth of resources below – so that maybe one or two will resonate to help you craft your own style as you develop your writing voice and theoretical weaving skills.

Let’s start with Dr. Tonya Dousay’s contribution, which are two tremendously helpful documents created by her dissertation chair Dr. Robert Branch, Professor of Learning, Design, and Technology at the University of Georgia.

Common Components of a Research Proposal (pdf)

20 Editorial Suggestions for Scholarly Manuscripts in Preparation (pdf)

Next my friend, Dr. Inese Berzina-Pitcher posted this Research Gate forum discussion which has been helpful to her:

My physicist friend, Dr. Chip Brock chimed in with the following:

Interesting. Of course I have no idea about how qualitative research is done but the little I followed maps in my mind onto how I teach the differences among scientific laws and theories…and models. I claim that there are no scientific “laws” as imagined by, say the Florida State School Board (evolution is just a theory while Newton’s gravitation is a law). Rather it’s all theories…all the way down.

But we scientists don’t test theories. We build models, which are mathematical in physics, and we test the models. In that sense, a theory is more like a framework.

In that spirit, I might glean that a theory for us is like a theory for you and that a model for us is like a conceptual framework for you all?

My friend Ira Socol (one of the authors of Timeless Learning which I shared with you a few weeks ago) said:

I always think that if you can build a conceptual framework, ie, “children naturally know how to learn,” if you deep map that idea – observe the hell out of it – you can then try on different theories until you see something close to a fit, then adjust that till you’re there. But then, I’ve never been much of an academic.

I disagreed with his last statement, but he went on to share the following books and resources which have guided his inquiries:

Heat Moon, W. (1991). PrairyErth : (a deep map). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

The art of seeing:

Listening to Kids and Designing from Scratch for Timeless Learning

Observation Protocols for Timeless Learning

My dear friend and colleague/teaching partner Dr. Michelle Schira Hagerman suggested the following (which, I will be reworking into future iterations of the course):

Would there be value in looking at the evolution of a theoretical framework over time as an exercise in deconstructing the process of theory development? For example, the Theory of New Literacies as it has evolved from a theoretical framework focused specifically on reading and informed by an ed-psych perspective…to a dual-level theory…to a theory that has inspired deep explorations of its component parts? Obviously, this is the one that I am most familiar with, but there would be others. Just a thought. I don’t have a single reference for how to do it…but this might be a way to get at the deeper questions that your students are grappling with.

Dr. Punya Mishra chimed in with some very helpful resources related to the (re)development of the TPACK framework:

Why Theory: Or the TPACK story

The TPACK Diagram gets an upgrade

To which Ira responded:
Or go to the next step: “TPECK is my attempt to describe the global view we need, the way to see a path to change everything. The way to see a path toward schools for children.” (link)

This interaction gave a perfect example of how theories change over time and how others contribute to theories.

Pilar Quezzaire (who is a former MAET student of mine and curriculum manager for the International Baccalaureate) contributed this resource: Making sense of implementation theories, models and frameworks

My wonderful colleague Dr. Danah Henriksen suggested this excellent piece by Friedman:

Friedman, K. (2003). Theory construction in design research: criteria: approaches, and methods. Design studies, 24(6), 507-522. (ASU Library Link to article)

And finally, my dear former student (from my days as a technology coordinator in 1997-98!!) now Dr. Piya Bose, suggested these two texts which helped her through her dissertation:

Krathwohl, D. (1993). Methods of educational and social science research : An integrated approach. New York ; London: Longman.

Creswell, J. (2014). Research design : Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

This is a lot to take in, but am I ever thankful to my network for sharing these resources.  Zooming out to see the forest of this post – while there is a lot of bad that happens on social networks, I have found (and still do) find online social spaces to be a tremendously important part of how I learn, and construct understanding. In order to foster meaningful dialogues, you can’t just take, you also have to give – and I thank all who contributed to the discussion on Facebook – and invite further discussion here in this space!



I posted this to twitter and Dr. Pam Moran (an incredible mentor to me and another one of the Timeless Learning authors) shared this beautiful resource to add to the discussion: Understanding, Selecting, and Integrating a Theoretical Framework in Dissertation Research: Creating the Blueprint for Your “House” (Grant & Osanloo, 2014)







A Meta Reflection (and Thank You): Bell & Cronin’s #altc Presentation

I am writing this post as a resource for my TEL 713 – Advanced Qualitative Methods students, but, hope others will find it useful as well.

First, I want to share what a tremendous resource The Association for Learning Technology (ALT) is broadly. I am a member of ALT, and I am extremely thankful for their community, conferences and open access to conference content for those who cannot attend in person. Here is the archive from the 2018 Annual Conference which just wrapped up on September 13th. Several of the talks were streamed and are archived on the website for viewing. I also encourage you to take a look at the #altc hashtag for further conversations and resources.

Selfishly, the timing of  Drs. Frances Bell & Catherine Cronin’s ALT presentation: A personal, feminist and critical retrospective of Learning (and) Technology, 1994-2018  could not have been more perfect.  In TEL 713 (Advanced Qualitative Methods) we are approaching the modules on feminist and critical pedagogies. Here is the recording of Frances & Catherine’s session:

I am sharing this specific talk with my students for a few reasons –

First: I want to note that the session type is a: Work-in-progress report/experimental session.  So often we feel as we have to have something finished or complete before we share. Francis and Catherine are using the conference to share work in progress, and, to solicit feedback to improve their inquiry.

Second: I want to point out the references (with my meta commentary in italics after the reference.)

Cronin, C. (2017). Openness and praxis: Exploring the use of open educational practices in higher education. IRRODL, 18(5).

TEL 713: Look at Dr. Cronin’s theoretical framework section as a mentor text for framing a study.

Noddings, N., & Enright, D.S. (1983). The promise of open education. Theory Into Practice, 22(3), 182-189.  (ASU Library Link to full text)

TEL 713: Dr. Nel Noddings is a feminist scholar and philosopher.

Watters, A. (2015, February 19). The history of the future of education. [blog]. Retrieved March 23, 2018, from:

TEL 713: Audrey Watters is an education writer and independent scholar who writes with a critical stance towards education and technology.

Third and finally: This is an excellent example of a qualitative study in a community of practice (or sphere of influence.) You’ll note that Frances & Catherine have coded and analyzed the themes of the ALT conferences over the past 25 years through a feminist & critical lens.  As you’re looking for models and mentor texts, this is one to add to your list of supports.

Thank you Drs. Bell & Cronin for sharing your work so openly and for allowing us to learn from your inquiry.

Thank you Arizona State University

Leigh in front of Mary Lou Fulton Teachers CollegeOn August 15th I started my position as a Clinical Associate Faculty member with the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University.  I am very thankful that I’m able to continue living in Michigan as a “remote” employee.  Having taught online previously, I’m very comfortable “living online” but, I know that there is still value in a physical presence and grounding. I feel very lucky that as part of my employment, I’m able to visit ASU a few times a semester. I returned from my first visit just under a week ago – and I came back energized and excited by the possibilities this new position will offer. My primary responsibility will be teaching with the Educational Leadership and Innovation EdD program.  I also serve on the program committee.  This fall I’m teaching TEL 703- Innovation in Teaching and Learning , TEL 707 – Reading the Research, and TEL 713 – Advanced Qualitative Methods. The curriculum for the program was developed collaboratively and I’m beyond elated to be returning to teaching.  The minute I opened up the course and with every email received, assignment submitted and zoom session completed my heart is filling with passion and joy. In addition to my work in the EdD program, I’m also a faculty fellow with the Office of Scholarship and Innovation – where I get to collaborate with some familiar faces :)

I started out the semester with a 2 week immersive onsite visit to ASU which gave me tremendous insight into the culture and landscape of my new academic home. (And, as I’ve found out upon my return, completely changed my body chemistry and I love the desert heat more than I thought I would!)  I stayed close to the Tempe campus and was able to take advantage of the tremendous campus shuttles. My meetings were spread across the Tempe, Downtown and West campuses and never once did I have to worry about having a car.

ASU #1 in Innovaton Everywhere you go, you’re reminded that ASU is #1 in innovation.  Those who work in universities are no stranger to the rankings game and we usually take these lists with a grain of salt (and a roll of the eye.) But, it does mean something – and experiencing the physical campus along with the online campus has given me solid evidence to support this accolade.  I was so impressed with the level of student services (in person and online) with the physical accommodations in the buildings and student and community centeredness of what I experienced.   I also experienced this passion as I met my new colleagues and as we were welcomed and challenged by Dr. Crow in his Fall 2018 Faculty and Staff Welcome message, and echoed by Dean Basile, who in her welcome message challenged us to “take beautiful risks, through principled innovation.”

ASU’s charter is as follows:

ASU is a comprehensive public research university, measured not by whom it excludes, but by whom it includes and how they succeed; advancing research and discovery of public value; and assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural and overall health of the communities it serves.

Leigh in front of ASU CharterI know this post skews positive, and one could say tinted with rose (or maroon) colored glasses – but I honestly had (and still have) my critical lenses on.  Starting somewhere new after 20 years of experience behind my belt gives me a different (hopefully more experienced and nuanced) outlook on things.  I’m excited to dig in and do the difficult work, to become a member of the ASU community, find ways to improve our service to the communities we serve, to learn more about myself, and to continue to grow as a teacher-scholar.


Thank you Michigan State University

Tomorrow, I will make my 120 mile round trip commute for the last time as this week ends my employment at Michigan State University.  Starting in August, I will begin a new journey as a Clinical Associate Professor in the Leadership and Innovation (EdD) program at Arizona State University.  I will be working remotely from Michigan and traveling to Arizona a few times per semester.

Twenty-four years ago, I stepped foot on campus as a first generation college freshman. Since then, (with the exception of a two year window right after I graduated with my BA) I have had a direct affiliation with MSU – either as an MA/PhD student and/or employee.  Over the years, I have collected a boundless amount of institutional memory. I experienced the university as a student (in two different colleges, in three different programs), an alum, as a fixed term instructor, advisor, academic specialist and administrator.  MSU has given me the world, quite literally.  I have had the opportunity to teach and present overseas, something I never would have imagined as a possibility when I stepped foot on campus 24 years ago. If you click through the archives of this blog, you’ll see almost 15 years of reflections on my work at MSU – it’s difficult for me to summarize the depth of my experiences and opportunities in one singular culminating farewell post.

I am excited for my new adventure, a new opportunity to gain institutional memory.  I am extraordinarily thankful for every opportunity MSU has given to me, every opportunity I have created for myself, and every single person I have had the great fortune of crossing paths with during my time as a Spartan.  Luckily, I work in an industry that values collaboration and connection – and I’ll still be able to write, create, and collaborate with my friends and colleagues. Even though this is not goodbye forever, it does end an important and transformational affiliation, one that I am leaving filled with gratitude.

Thank you & Farewell #MSUrbanSTEM

On December 18, 2013 Sonya, Punya, Anurag & I took this picture (in the snow, on the roof of Erickson Hall) to celebrate the official signing of the Wipro Urban STEM Fellowship Program at MSU.

We knew we were starting something special – but I don’t think we knew just how special. Fast forward 4 1/2 years, and it’s hard to believe that we are at the end of this journey. 124 amazing Chicago Public School teachers completed the MSUrbanSTEM fellowship program. In that time, they published 8 books, created resources on their websites, and continue to share and network via #MSUrbanSTEM.  As a research team, we published and presented an impressive amount of scholarship. Beyond the tangible artifacts, we all have been profoundly changed by this experience.  O’Sullivan et. al (2002) define transformative learning as:

Experiencing a deep, structural shift in the basic premises of thought, feelings and actions. It is a shift of consciousness that dramatically and irreversibly alters our way of being in the world. Such a shift involves our understanding of ourselves and our self-locations; our relationships with other humans and with the natural world; our understanding of relations of power in interlocking structures of class, race and gender; our body awareness, our visions of alternative approaches to living; and our sense of possibilities for social justice, peace and personal joy.

This definition succinctly sums up my experience over the past 4 1/2 years. I am truly grateful to my collaborators, colleagues & the incredible Chicago Public School teachers.

So lucky to work with these amazing people #MSUrbanSTEM


#MSUrbanSTEM - telepresence is amazing


Works Cited
O’Sullivan, E. V., Morrell, A., & O’Connor, M. A. (2002). Expanding the boundaries of transformative learning: Essays on theory and praxis (Lst ed.). New York, N.Y: Palgrave.

SITE 2018 The Quickfire Challenge Roundtable: How to fail fast & learn while having fun

We (Candace & Leigh) are honored to present at SITE 2018. This blog post will serve as our guide and “handout” for our roundtable session.

Inspired by reality TV cooking shows, the “Quickfire Challenge” is an educational tool created as an activity in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University (Wolf, 2009). Over the past 8 years the Quickfire Challenge has been a core of the student learning experience. Having theoretical underpinnings in Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory (1991), the Quickfire Challenge is structured to create a (gently) disorienting experience which challenges traditional forms of professional development models. Quickfire Challenges are carefully crafted to impose time constraints, give specific, yet vague directions, embed tangible outcomes, all the while keeping learning at the core. By experiencing failure (and success) in this format, participants begin to rediscover the joy and creativity necessary to spark engagement in curriculum development and delivery.

For our SITE roundtable, we would like to provide attendees resources for replicating existing Quickfire Challenges (learning from practitioners who have successfully implemented the idea in K12 and teacher PD contexts) along with tools for creating their own challenges. We hope that attendees will leave with a series of experiences which can be implemented in professional development (both online and offline) contexts.


Quickfire Resources

The following links will take you to instructions and examples for several Quickfire Challenges that we have developed and run in the MAET program at Michigan State University:

MSUrbanSTEM Quickfires

Michigan State University, in partnership with global tech giant Wipro Ltd., launched an innovative fellowship program (which ran from 2014-2018) designed to empower math and science teachers in Chicago Public Schools schools to create transformative, innovative, and multimodal instructional experiences for students. One thing you’ll note as a key feature present in the majority of the MSUrbanSTEM Quickfire Challenges is the “extra spicy challenge”. In order to provide the (gently) disorienting experience for all of our fellows, the inclusion of this additional element provided an opportunity for differentiation.

Teacher-generated Quickfires

Over the years, people who have participated in Quickfire Challenges have been inspired to create & share their own versions. Here are a few examples:



Mezirow, J. (1991). Transformative Dimensions of Adult Learning. San Francisco , CA: Jossey-Bass.

Wolf, L. G. (2009, Aug. 19). Quickfires explained. Retrieved from


Reflection: #hssvalues Valuing the Syllabus as Scholarship

Last Thursday & Friday I had the tremendous opportunity to attend the Valuing the Syllabus as Scholarship workshop.  It has been a while since I’ve had the opportunity to attend a workshop (as a participant instead of a facilitator!) and my mind is spinning with all sorts of wonderful ideas (and blog posts.) To start to put fingers to keyboard, I want to explain a one of the activities we did in the workshop as I know you may find it as interesting and (immediately) useful.

We spent Thursday morning in small groups discussing a syllabus which came from the Humanities Commons.  (Side note: Humanities Commons is awesome, consider sharing your work there!)  We were clustered into groups of 4-5 people and then asked visualize (in analogue form) the syllabus.  This was a very open prompt (which I of course love!) We were given these “Chart Suggestions “ as a thought starter for our visualizations.

By going through this exercise it opened my eyes to all sorts of objects in a syllabus (from patterns of assignments, to value laden language.) This would be an EXCELLENT exercise for a department/program to go through if they are working on curriculum revisions.

In the afternoon we transitioned into discussing the Humanities Values and ways that these values appear in syllabi.

Humanities Values 1. Equity, 2. Openness, 3. Collegiality, 4. Quality, 5. Community

Finally, we finished the afternoon discussing our own syllabi.  The participants were very open and courageous – it’s not easy to put your work out to be critiqued.  By starting out the morning looking at a “neutral” syllabus, it gave us the language and proficient to be more reflective and critical of our own work.

I’m working on organizing my thoughts for some of the more philosophical discussions that arose – but I wanted to get this up and out there – if anyone in my network would like to run through this exercise, count me in! It was so thought (and action) provoking – and fun!

You can scroll through all of the #hssvalues tweets here and I’ve embedded a few below.


New Publication: Hacking Structures: Educational Technology Programs, Evaluation, and Transformation

I was elated to see the tweet from Michelle this morning that our chapter “Hacking Structures: Educational Technology Programs, Evaluation, and Transformation” in Hacking Education in a Digital Age Teacher Education, Curriculum, and Literacies has been published! I’m so proud of this chapter (and what led us to write the chapter.) Can’t wait to get a copy to see the words in print!!

Hagerman, M.S., Wolf, L.G., Woods, H. (2018) Educational technology programs, evaluation, and transformation. In Smith, B., Ng-A-Fook, N., Radford, L., Pratt, S.S. (Eds), Hacking Education in a Digital Age: Teacher Education, Curriculum, and Literacies. Information Age Publishing.

Book Cover: Hacking Education in a Digital Age

2017. It was a year!

Inspired by Catherine (who was inspired by Lorna, who was inspired by Anne-Marie), I’m going to take a few minutes to reflect on 2017.

I’ll start with tangible academic successes – these are the easiest to account for :)


Schopieray, S., Mapes, K., Long, C. P., Thomas, S., Wolf, L.G. (2017, June) Domain of One’s Own at MSU: Promoting Digital Presence and Public Scholarship. Domains 2017. University of Oklahoma.

Wolf, L.G. (2017, June) Keynote (virtual). Design Thinking: Going from Practice to Theory and Theory to Practice. JALTCALL 2017. Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan.

Wolf, L.G. (2017, June) Facilitator. Tackling Wicked Problems Using Design Thinking. Educational Technology Organization of Michigan Summer Retreat.

Wolf, L.G. (2017, May) Keynote. What is it you do again? Discussing the intents, purposes & vocabularies surrounding learning design. 4TVirtual Conference (Online) Recording:

Wolf, L.G. (2017, February) Stories from #MSUHub: Using Scrum for Innovative Educational Design. NUIGalway School of Education and St. Angela’s College, Sligo. Galway, Ireland.

Papers & Publications

Mishra, P., Gunnings-Moton, S., Wolf, L.G., Berzina-Pitcher, I, & Seals, C. (2017). Introduction: Innovative STEM Professional Development for Urban Educators: Multiple Perspectives on the MSUrbanSTEM Project. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 36(3), 211-217

Seals, C., Mehta, S., Wolf, L.G., & Marcotte, C. (2017). Theory and Implementation of an Innovative Teacher Professional Development Program. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 36(3), 219-235

Rosenberg, J.M., Greenhalgh, S. P., Wolf, L.G., & Koehler, M. J. (2017). Strategies, Use, and Impact of Social Media for Supporting Teacher Community within Professional Development: The Case of One Urban STEM Program. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 36(3), 255-267

Horton, A., Mishra, P., Wolf, L., Seals, C., & Marcotte, C.. (2017, November). Developing a Culture of Shared Practice through the use of Personal Learning Networks amongst STEM Educators. Poster presentation at the Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) International Convention.

Seals, C., Mehta, S, Berzina-Pitcher, I., & Wolf, L. (2017). Enhancing teacher efficacy for Urban STEM teachers facing challenges to their teaching. Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, & Research, 13, 135-146.

Heintz, A., Hagerman, M.S., Boltz, L.O., & Wolf, L.G. (2017). Teacher awarenesses and blended instruction practices: Interview research with K-12 teachers. Handbook for Digital Learning in K-12 Schools. Springer.

Now, some personal and professional highlights. In February, I was lucky to return to my second home to visit Science Gallery Dublin (and discuss plans for Science Gallery Lab Detroit!)

I can’t be in Ireland without stopping by my heart’s home (Galway.) While in Galway I was lucky to meet with my dear friends at the School of Education at NUI Galway & new friends at St. Angela’s College, Sligo to talk a bit about the work we’re doing at the MSU Hub. (Here’s a recap of the talk.)


Sadly, the MSUrbanSTEM fellowship program came to a close in May (it was a 3 year grant) – this was truly a transformational experience for all involved.


Luckily, we have one more year with our Sustainability Fellows!

What an incredible & inspiring group of people! Energized after a day with the #MSUrbanSTEM Sustainability fellows

In July I had the honor of officiating Bill & Joe’s amazing wedding!

marriage officiant












After the wedding, we headed back home for two weeks in Ireland.  It was my first time traveling there on vacation! I was reunited with these amazing ladies:

4 awesome women









and even got out on the links with Scott

leigh and scott in the rain










When I got home, I was able to have some special auntie time with all of my nieces and nephew!

nieces, nephew and aunt










At the end of October I had a scheduled surgery (in my continuing saga with endometriosis) back at the Cleveland Clinic. Unfortunately they found that the endometriosis had become incredibly invasive and 5 inches of my colon (in addition to my uterus) had to be removed thanks to the disease.  I will need to go back in a few months for one more surgery, then, all will be fixed with the main offenders now gone!












The last few months have been a blur of recovery and getting back to work. I was lucky that Mary Carty came by for a special visit after I returned home <3












Those are some of personal the highlights of the year. I will leave you with Beannacht: A Blessing for the New Year from John O’Donohue to start 2018 (a poem I frequently referenced to get through 2017):

On the day when
The weight deadens
On your shoulders
And you stumble,
May the clay dance
To balance you.

And when your eyes
Freeze behind
The grey window
And the ghost of loss
Gets in to you,
May a flock of colours,
Indigo, red, green,
And azure blue,
Come to awaken in you
A meadow of delight.

When the canvas frays
In the currach of thought
And a stain of ocean
Blackens beneath you,
May there come across the waters
A path of yellow moonlight
To bring you safely home.

May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
May the clarity of light be yours,
May the fluency of the ocean be yours,
May the protection of the ancestors be yours.

And so may a slow
Wind work these words
Of love around you,
An invisible cloak
To mind your life.

#MSUrbanSTEM Special Issue: The Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching

After a lot of hard work – the MSUrbanSTEM special issue of The Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching has finally arrived.  I am continually proud of this team and honored to be a part of this project.

Here is a link to the special issue: (and here is a link for MSU colleagues for direct access through the library.)





Mishra, P.,Gunnings-Moton, S., Wolf, L. G., Berzina-Pitcher, I, & Seals, C. (2017). Introduction: Innovative STEM Professional Development for Urban Educators: Multiple Perspectives on the MSUrbanSTEM Project. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 36(3), 211-217

Seals, C., Mehta, S., Wolf, L.G., & Marcotte, C. (2017). Theory and Implementation of an Innovative Teacher Professional Development Program.Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 36(3), 219-235

Horton, A., Shack, K., & Mehta, R. (2017). Curriculum and Practice of an Innovative Teacher Professional Development Program.Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 36(3), 237-254

Rosenberg, J.M., Greenhalgh, S. P., Wolf, L. G., & Koehler, M. J. (2017). Strategies, Use, and Impact of Social Media for Supporting Teacher Community within Professional Development: The Case of One Urban STEM Program.Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 36(3), 255-267

Mehta, R., Mehta, S., & Seals, C. (2017). A Holistic Approach to Science Education: Disciplinary, Affective, and Equitable. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 36(3), 269-286

Cosby, M., Horton, A.,& Berzina-Pitcher, I. (2017). Math Is All Around Us: Exploring the Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development of Three Urban Mathematics Teachers.Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 36(3), 287-305