How to Brine (pork, chicken, turkey)

  rubbing with garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper 
  Originally uploaded by 46137.

For some reason I get a lot of hits on my blog for the brined chicken post…I decided to document the entire process this time, so hopefully it will help others.  I’m going to work on an instructables page soon with more detail! For now, I hope the pictures/brief descriptions in this flickr set help!

The Wealth of Networks

I have a lot to catch up on …but this just rose to the top of the list!! I went to see a lecture by Yale Professor Yochai Benkler yesterday.  He has a fantastic way of conceptualizing and presenting the ideas of peer-production and a commons based culture! What is even BETTER is the fact that he makes his publications available on his website…including is book The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom.  DEAR READERS, YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK…I know most of you and I know you would enjoy having this on your hard drive.  For a shorter starting point you may also want to try Common Wisdom: Peer Production of Educational Materials….let’s start a discussion on this…or a book club or chapter club or something…it’s really good stuff from a different perspective!!!