cleaning out my closet

So I found a clipboard w/some old letters to others and to myself from June – September 1997.  It’s the closest thing to a blog that I have from my early twenties…the postings made me think about a lot of things, but from a research point of view: in the future, will people stumble across their blogs like I stumbled across these letters? I’ve stumbled across emails that I forgot about…but blogging is so deliberate, and permanently located/attached to a URL that it’s hard to lose/forget.

the adventure continues

Back to the grindstone…summer class started tonight…should be interesting.  My prof does not want us to use our laptops during class, that will be a challenge for me, but a good challenge.  My patience will also be exercised AGAIN this semester…but that’s ok too.  I had a nice week ‘off’ and I think I’m ready to tackle things again, especially after a wonderful massage up in TC, (go visit Sandy at Pavolva Salon, she was amazing!) and a fun time at Brad and Amanda’s wedding.

Lots on my to do list…AERA call is out and I need to get my act together for that.  I also need to tighten up my practicum and send in UCRIHS! I need to pull stuff together for summer teaching. We need to clear out the upstairs for new carpet coming in on Monday.  I’m sure I’m forgetting things…but that looks like a full enough plate for now!

The grass has grown like CRAZY…it looks terrible.  *Add mow the lawn to list*

you know i’m stressed when…

I cook.  The funny thing is, cooking really isn’t a cathartic activity for me (which looking at the definitions, I think is a good
thing!)…I enjoy cooking, I love cooking…and I do it when I’m
stressed because I feel like I’ve accomplished something and made
someone else happy.  I don’t feel that way when I write, I haven’t
found a way to connect my writing to enjoyment and pleasure.  Maybe
it’s because i don’t know my audience? Maybe it’s because i’m not an
‘expert’ writer and this is just a part of the growing process…I’ve
only been writing ‘academically’ for about 3 years…my stumbling block
is that I feel so much pressure to be ‘deep and thorough’ and I feel
like everything that comes out is so ‘surface and shallow’…If I could
only turn in a pot of my chicken and andouille chili for my’s
complex, ill-structured, thought provoking and I know it makes people