Back from Minot, ND

Well, Minot is far away :) Landing at Metro was not fun…luckily I had a nice guy sitting next to me so I could chatter as we were going up, down, back, forth, round and round trying to land with 50mph winds…slightly nerve-racking.  I already miss my Anna (and her parents.) New pictures in the Anna and Aidan photo album.  Back to work on the practicum (defending on Dec 6th!), Spencer mini grant proposal (due Monday!) and other assorted tasks.


::dogs barking incessantly::
Life is slowly returning to…I wouldn’t call it normal…I’m not sure what to call it! (After 10 minutes w/the Synonym Finder, I still don’t know what to call it.)

I have a pretty hefty to-do list…I could put them all into, I’ve tried that before though, and all it did was help me procrastinate more!  Someone always gets mad at me because I can’t ‘relax’…I will, eventually…I really do have a lot to do…now that the house is painted and carpet is in, I finally can start putting things back together.  If anyone knows a good solution for re-doing a closet please let me know!

I really had a great time this summer, and as crazy as it was, it clarified a lot for me and I learned a lot about myself.  Though, I’m still trying to convince myself that it was a vacation! ;)

Ok, off to launder things….

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little update

Things are zipping along…ups and downs along the way, but that was to be expected! I have one major problem…I’ve become addicted to Dibs. They’re good…very good…and if Pringles hadn’t copyrighted "once you pop you can’t stop," it would be their tag line! I swear, this box will be my last…they’re so sneaky, they make them into small bitesize pieces so you don’t THINK you’re eating a lot…I’m on to your little game Edy, you can’t fool me.



I’m back from Vancouver…it was fun…glad to be back…well, not exactly back, I’m in EL, getting ready to start teaching tomorrow! I am very excited…feeling good, it’s hard to feel bad when you’re in EL on a beautiful summer night! I posted a new album for Aidan and Anna…I love them both so much.  I need to finish prepping…stay tuned for more updates and (hopefully) inspirational thoughts :)