
So much going on…writing (in all forms except for email, facebook updates and a few twitts) has gone to the bottom of my list.  I’m trying to change that….

Here is the video from my presentation back in February.

Here is a handout from a presentation I did back in March for MBA students @ the Eli Broad College of Business: bschool_handout.pdf

I’m done teaching my spring course – had an amazing class of individuals.

I’m getting geared up and excited for Plymouth.   

Well, this is a start :)

RIP James S. Collins Jr.

Sgt. Collins’ mom was a former colleague.  My heart goes out to the Collins family, they are in my thoughts.

DoD Identifies Army Casualty

            The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom.

            Sgt. James S. Collins Jr., 35, of Rochester Hills, Mich., died Aug. 28 in Kirkuk, Iraq, of wounds suffered during combat operations. He was assigned to the 303rd Military Police Company (Combat Support), U.S. Army Reserve, Jackson, Mich.

            For more information related to this release, the media may contact the Army Reserve 88th Regional Readiness Command public affairs office at (612) 713-3011.

update and advertisements

Back from another lovely summer abroad.  This was was great…but a little soggy. Had some faboulus food adventures as usual.  Here is a random list of things you may like as well!

If you are ever in London, you MUST visit Borough Market.  It may very well be one of my favorite places in the world. 

Almost every morning I ate a bowl of Dorset Cereal.  I tried the following flavors:
berries & cherries
super cranberry
fruit nuts & seeds
really nutty muesli
simply delicious muesli
super high fibre
organic fruit, nuts & seeds
toasted spelt 
pomengranate & cherry 

Keep your eye out at Whole Foods Market…they’ll be carrying the cereals starting at the end of this month!!

I did visit the London Whole Foods store…it was ok.  I was very disappointed that you could not take pictures in the store. 

I also went to the Taste of London festival.  What a treat! Here is a list of some really good things I tried there…unfortunately, I don’t think I can get anything in the US :(

Dress Italian
Gu Puds
Innocent Drinks
Kenzai Green Tea
M. Chapoutier, Rhône
Rachel’s Organic
The Serious Food Company
The Garlic Farm

Finally, on the home front – you may want to visit the following farmer’s markets:
Sunday – Birmingham or Howell
Wednesday – Allen Street (Lansing) and Meridian
Thursday – Northville
Saturday – Eastern Market or Farmington

Announcement on the train:

It has come to our attention that people are walking around the train without shoes. You need to wear shoes while on the train.  (laughing as he says this) We require that you wear shoes at all times, for sanitary reasons and because you could lose a foot as you are walking between cars.  We ask…we REQUIRE that you wear shoes at all time (still laughing.)

This came shortly after the announcement that profanity is not allowed on the train.

I am having flashbacks to chaperoning elementary school field trips.

spell check?

So…I’m wondering…often people spell my name Leight…I’m not sure why.  I thought it may be a keystroke error, but it happens often enough (just now as a matter of fact), that I’m beginning to think that people think there is a T at the end of my name? My signature doesn’t look like there is a T at the end…I know sometimes it’s hard to see these things ourselves…do I say Leight when I say my name?

mood: perplexed
music: Neil Diamond, Delirious Love, 12 Songs