
In preparation for Superbowl XL, I made my first, and last, batch of wings.  Don’t get me wrong, they turned out great, BUT…they’re a pain in the rear.  I guess if I had a huge commercial grade fryer, things might be different, but I could only fry 4 @ a time, and it’s just wasn’t worth it. Next time, I think I’ll leave things up to those nice girls at Hooters, or even BW3’s.  :)

thxgiving 05, pt. 1

and so it begins…
i prepared the brine in the 5-gallon cooler…carefully took the turkey out of the package to gently place it in the brine and ‘SPLASH’ it slipped out of my hands into the cooler squirting massive amounts of brine and turkey juice in my face and around the kitchen…good thing i had the bleach solution ready to go…i’m off to wash the brine out of my hair…stay tuned for more thxgiving 05 updates and mishaps.