Adams Academy Recap

This past Tuesday I had the opportunity to work with the 2011-2012 Adams Academy cohort along with my talented friend and colleague Stephen Thomas. Here is a copy of our slides & a rundown of some of the links we shared.

Stephen and I had the honor of being in the first Adams Academy Cohort. If you’re an MSU academic specialist, fixed term faculty or librarian I highly suggest putting in your application for the 2012-2013 cohort! Application details can be found here.

Prezi –
Free EDU – edition –
MSU Storemedia – (Changing to Kaltura)
Flickr –
Etherpad – and
MSU social media listings
Out of this world twitter resources –
Profhacker –
Diigo –
danah boyd –
Nicole Ellison –
Pew Internet –
Poll Everywhere –
Mobile Website Creation Program –
Remind 101 –

Suggested books:

The Third Teacher –

Everything is Miscellaneous – David Weinberger –

Cognitive Surplus- Clay Shirky –

The Wealth of Networks – Yochai Benkler –

Ambient Findability – Peter Morville –

Hamlet’s Blackberry – William Powers-

Follow up to Lilly Seminar

I had a wonderful whirlwind time with the 2010-2011 Lilly Fellows this evening.  Nicole and I each had an hour – and with all the stuff swirling through our heads it was hard to contain us to 60 minutes each!

As promised, here is my presentation with embedded links (pdf)

Below, you can see the quickview from Slideshare. I was having problems with the keynote conversion (yep, even I have tech issues!) Fortunately, Slideshare does allow you to upload and embed pdfs, so I sacrificed a bit of quality (the full pdf version looks a lot better!) Slideshare is a great tool for sharing and embedding presentations.

The other technology we briefly discussed was delicious. (My delicious bookmarks.) I checked back through my archives and I did write up a piece on how I use it in my class – hopefully you can find it helpful! Social Bookmarking, delicious and ANGEL

As I was creating this post, this link came across my RSS feeds:

(It’s another talking point for The Social Network movie follow-up discussion.)

Finally, we didn’t have time to show Punya‘s response to the video Nicole started with this evening.  Here is his mash-up (and blog post about the commercial):

Thanks again for inviting me – and please do stay in touch!

2008 – 2009 Adams Academy Inaugural Fellow

Well – It's back to blogging.  As part of my acceptance into the Walter and Pauline Adams Academy for Instructional Excellence and Innovation, I have promised myself that I will blog my experience so you too can participate in the experience and conversation along with me!

In a nutshell –

The Walter and Pauline Adams Academy for Instructional Excellence and
Innovation is a new initiative that will provide a cross-disciplinary
cohort of instructors (fixed-term faculty, continuing appointment librarians,
academic specialists, and other academic staff) with opportunities to further
their development as excellent teachers whose instructional decisions are
rooted in the robust research literature on effective teaching and learning.

My personal goal in the cohort is to work on my assessment practices (both assessment of my own teaching and assessment of my students.)

Our first assignment was to read Steven Brookfield's article “Critically Reflective Practice”  I like what he had to say and I'm intrigued by his idea of a Critical Incident Questionnaire (CIQ). I'm going to see if I can adapt it for my CEP 815 online course this coming spring.  I can see it working well in a f2f class – but it will be fun to see if it can be adapted for online pedagogy.  I'm a big fan of CIQ's roots in ethnography. 

We also had to take Dan Pratt's Teaching Perspectives Inventory

I scored highest in the Nurturing Category: I wonder if my students would agree? 

teaching assumes that long-term, hard, persistent effort to achieve
comes from the heart, not the head.

People become motivated and productive learners
when they are working on issues or problems without fear of failure.
Learners are nurtured in knowing that (a) they can succeed at learning
if they give it a good try; (b) their achievement is a product of
their own effort and ability, rather than the benevolence of a teacher;
and (c) their learning efforts will be supported by both teacher
and peers. Good teachers care about their students and understand
that some have histories of failure resulting in lowered self-confidence.
However they make no excuses for learners. Rather, they encourage
their efforts while challenging students to do their very best by
promoting a climate of caring and trust, helping people set challenging
but achievable goals, and supporting effort as well as achievement.
Good teachers provide encouragement and support, along with clear
expectations and reasonable goals for all learners but do not sacrifice
self-efficacy or self-esteem for achievement. Their assessments
of learning consider individual growth as well as absolute achievement.

I'm really excited for our first meeting on Friday and looking forward to an engaging conversation and a great year!