Catching up – again

As I sit at my laptop, I’m wondering how it can be the 21st of June. I’ve completed my first full academic year at UCD and planning for my second autumn. Summer seems to be a time to catch up – and I have a lot of catching up to do. I’ve updated my CV with most of the 2024 entries and I’m woefully behind documenting everything here. I used to be very very good at doing the thing, then posting about the thing with resources. This practice was primarily for me and it was a happy consequence that it could help others too! Moving has disrupted a lot of routines and flows and I’m working hard to make new patterns.  The demise of social networks has been rough for me as well – connecting and sharing was deeeeeeply embedded in my academic workflow & thinking. (This article from Koutropoulos et al (2024) Lines of Flight: The Digital Fragmenting of Educational Networks has some beautiful reflections on feeling adrift in this space.)

So, in an effort to get a small update out – I would like to share a fun piece of work that has resulted from a year long research project on Assessment for Inclusion with my amazing colleagues Sheena Hyland and Geraldine O’Neill. You can read a bit about the project here (and check out this video!)  As a part of the project, we worked with the incredible Bryan Mathers (aka Visual Thinkery) to help us bring the framework and data to life. Below, you will see the poster we created for the Assessment in Higher Education Conference happening in Manchester (Sheena is representing us there!) this week. It was fun to get back into InDesign and Bryan made the work easy as I had all of his amazing creations to piece together to tell our story for the conference.

Hyland, S., O’Neill, G, Wolf, L.G.  (2024, June 20). The development of an ‘assessment for inclusion’ framework to support understanding, explore values and enhance practice. Assessment in Higher Education Conference. Manchester, UK  (Poster Link:

Academic Poster with Assessment for Inclusion Framework