Thank you Kimberly Bryant #ald15 #adalovelace

I love the annual tradition of blogging for Ada Lovelace day! (Add your thanks, it’s easy – see how below!)

This year I would like to thank Kimberly Bryant.  Kimberly Bryant is an electrical engineer and founder of Black Girls Code.  The mission of Black Girls Code is:

to introduce programming and technology to a new generation of coders, coders who will become builders of technological innovation and of their own futures.

Follow Kimberly here:
and Black Girls Code here:

I am inspired on a daily basis by Kimberly and by the work being explored, created and shared by the girls and women involved in the Black Girls Code networks.

Read more stories about other amazing women by visiting: #ald15 today.


Add your story!

On October 13th, 2015 write a blog post about your STEM heroine and add it to our collection: Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Write about a woman in science, technology, engineering or maths whose achievements you admire.
  2. Publish your story online.
  3. Add your story to our collection.
  4. Tell your friends!


2014 Post – Thank you MSU Women in Computing (WIC)
2013 Post – Thank you Dr. Kyla McMullen
2012 Post – Thank you Mary, Pam & Catherine
2011 Post – Thank you Dr. Caroline Haythornthwaite
2010 Post – Thank you Dr. Catherine Mohr