#ED1to1 Asynchronous Live Tweet Discussion – July 15-17

The Twitterverse continues to inspire! A few months ago my friend Catherine received a message from Bonnie.  Bonnie had put out a call to action asking for interest in an asynchronous twitter chat connecting higher-ed classrooms & teacher educators (pre-service and in-service) via a common theme/article this coming summer.  A few direct messages and weeks later Bonnie’s vision has become reality.  This Wednesday – Friday (July 15-July 17, 2015) #MAETY2 students in the Michigan State University MAET Summer Cohort in Galway will be participating in the #ED1to1 chat to discuss Audrey Watters’ recent post: (25 years ago) The First School One-to-One Laptop Program.

While this is an explicit task for #MAETY2, I highly encourage anyone in the #MAET community at large to participate!

The other courses & professors participating formally are:

There will be a few guiding/prompted questions posted by Bonnie, however, the discussion will be organic and everyone will bring their own lenses, thoughts and questions to the Twitter table. A good place to start is with the question Audrey poses at the end of her blog post: So, how are schools doing with computing (and constructionism) 25 years later?

Make sure to use the #ED101 hashtag (and #MAET if you wish!)

See you Wednesday!