#edchatie Friends: Save the date for #GREAT15

If you are an educator in Ireland (or if your summer travel plans include Ireland) be sure to attend the free 8th annual MAET/ICT/Educational Technology Conference (#GREAT15) on the campus of NUI Galway in Galway, Ireland on Thursday July 16, 2015 from 1pm-4pm (IST).

great14 photo by catherinecronin on flickr

Last year’s #GREAT14 conference again exceed our expectations. Several of our #edchatie friends made it to Galway for the conference and the addition of the Youth Media Team was incredible. It truly was an amazing day and we are looking forward to reconnecting and making new friends at #GREAT15.

The conference is organized and presented by the Year 2 Overseas MSU MAET students as a requirement for their CEP 815: Technology and Leadership course (see the assignment here), and is targeted towards anyone who works in the field of education (K12, higher ed, and beyond).



Below you will find archives of the past 7 conferences to give you an idea of the spirit of the conference:

2014 #GREAT14: http://great14.weebly.com/
2013 #GREAT13: http://great13.weebly.com/
2012 #GREAT12: http://great12dublin.weebly.com/
2011 RELATe: http://relate2011.weebly.com/
2010 RELATe http://sites.google.com/site/maetrelate2010/
2009 PLATE http://2009plateconference.weebly.com/index.html
2008 PLATE (parts of site available on archive.org)

If you’re interested in coming, fill out this simple form to register your interest. We will send more updates as the schedule emerges: http://goo.gl/7VmSc

One more opportunity to connect:

If you’re an educator or maker in, or around, Galway I would love to talk to you about the possibility of visiting your classroom/learning/making space! Our students are eager to not only visit classrooms, but potentially collaborate with you on an activity. We will be in Galway June 28 – July 24, 2015.  I know this is the end of the school year and into holidays (which is a tricky time) but we are very interested in connecting with you! Just tweet me (@gravesle) if you’re interested!