PELeCON 2012 Spotlight Session Follow Up #pelc12

Thank you so much for attending my session and participating in the first ever massively multiplayer quickfire challenge. This has been one of the best learning conferences I have ever attended (and I have attended quite a few.) I’m incredibly honored to be in your company.

Here are links to the resources I shared today:

Noah Scalin: Unstuck –

Trasformative Learning Theory, Jack Mezirow –

Haiku Stop Motion –
Example 1:

Example 2:

Flip Cam/Storyboard –

Windows to the World –

This is a link to the “MAET Vault.” (MAET stands for Master of Arts in Educational Technology – The Vault contains quite a few Quickfire challenges along with a good deal of our curriculum. You will find many activities and resources for teacher professional development:

Here are links to the work of a few of my colleagues who also do work in this area:

Michelle Schira Hagerman:
Matt Koehler:
Punya Mishra:
Andrea Zellner:

Side Notes:
If you’re in or around Dublin, Ireland this summer, we’re holding a free ICT conference on July 17, 2012! As part of the program requirements, students must organize and deliver an ICT/Ed Tech conference for their peers and the community at large. More about the MAET Free Conference here:

Here is my Ignite presentation on Food Photography.  At the essence of my presentation is the explanation of how I use food and photography to challenge and inspire my teaching and learning:

Here are the slides from today:

Here is a slideshow of the Pelicans you created this morning: (coming shortly)

Thank you for this opportunity and for the engagement during the conference. Please keep in touch!