Devon & Cornwall, A love story. Pre #pelc12 thoughts at the airport

In June 2006, I stepped foot on my first international flight. I flew from Detroit Metro to London Heathrow to teach with the Master of Arts in Educational Technology overseas program in Plymouth, England. I was 30 years old and the extent of my international travel was a Nova Scotia to Vancouver road trip (in 2 parts) with my husband.

After I landed in London, I had to rent a car (a tiny Nissan Micra) and drive 4 hours from Heathrow to Plymouth. This was pre-GPS/international data plan days and I had a Great Britian Atlas and a Google maps print out of the step-by-step directions. I hadn’t slept much on the plane but was so pumped and excited at my new found freedom and exploration skills that I drove that little Micra, on the wrong side of the road (for me), all the way to Plymouth.

my little car

Eventually I made my way to the Bowling Green Hotel and parked in the tiny parking space, not far from the infamous Plymouth Hoe.

my car

After I parked my car, I dropped my bags and walked down to the Hoe and was greeted by the explorer Sir Francis Drake.

drake statue

After 2006 I returned to Plymouth for 4 consecutive summers to teach with the MAET program, each summer getting to know the West Country more and more intimately.

Fast forward 6 years – I have many other countries and adventures under my belt, and I’m waiting at the airport to return to Plymouth to present at PELeCON 2012. I know I will not have the time to revisit all of my favorite places on this brief adventure – but – I am beyond excited to return to a place in this world that holds a very special place in my heart.
