A very special day


Today was a very special day for me.  Ever since I had my first "real" office (one with a door) I have had a picture of Jim Henson & Kermit hanging on my wall.  When I was young, it was my dream to work for Jim Henson.  I was enchanted by the Muppets, Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock – the whole lot.  I wasn't just into passively watching the screen, something made me want to learn and understand what was happening behind the scenes. I wanted to make that magic happen.  I have had a lot of role models and influencers in my life and while I never had the opportunity to met him, Jim Henson had a tremendous impact on my life (as he has had on countless others.) I credit him with igniting my desire to pursue radio and television production.  While my career has morphed into the awesome position I have now, Jim Henson's spirit still stays with me.  I hang that picture in my office as a constant reminder of how we never truly know how deep and wide our influences run. 

When I saw the opportunity to attend a screening of Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey here at SXSW, I jumped at the chance.  Here's a short clip from the film.

Needless to say, I shed quite a few tears through the movie – all happy tears.  This movie is about family, creativity, passion, mentoring, success and love. I can't wait to see it again.